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#FergusonFireside  Oct 4, 2010 • 11:51:03am
After all, as all liberal reporters do, she was trying to “seduce” (a metaphor) me so she could get more for her story. It would be fun, I thought, to turn the tables in jest.


In my version, the reporter was never going to be placed in a threatening situation. She would have had to consent before being filmed and she was not going to be faux “seduced” unless she wanted to be.

Bullshit O’Keefe. You are a misogynist pig, oh and a liar. GAH

Mark Pennington  Oct 4, 2010 • 11:59:56am

re: #1 Stanley Sea

Bullshit O’Keefe. You are a misogynist pig, oh and a liar. GAH

He’s pretty desperate at this point. It will be interesting to see if the wingnuts that dumped him will buy this crap.

Major Tom  Oct 4, 2010 • 12:04:54pm

Little Prick even asks for a retraction from CNN regarding his ACORN smear. What a piece of work. I hope his parents are sufficiently embarrassed by the pathetic child they raised.

ClaudeMonet  Oct 5, 2010 • 12:52:21am

re: #3 Major Tom

Little Prick even asks for a retraction from CNN regarding his ACORN smear. What a piece of work. I hope his parents are sufficiently embarrassed by the pathetic child they raised.

I just had this mental image of Sheriff Buford T. Justice saying to his son, “When I get home, I’m gonna hit your momma right in the mouth, because there ain’t no way you’re any son of mine!”

If I’m O’Keefe’s parents, I’m moving and leaving no forwarding address, so our son can’t find us.

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